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 Oggetto del messaggio: New Camaro Z-28
MessaggioInviato: ven mag 16, 2014 3:56 pm 
Brevetto di volo
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Iscritto il: gio feb 06, 2014 2:19 pm
Messaggi: 433
Località: milano
Già però come al solito nn si lotta ad armi pari......che gomme monta la camaro???

Strange things happen in the car world from time to time. Brands that were never associated with track driving, sometimes break the stereotypical mould and reach the most unexpected performance goals.A recent Motortrend Head to Head episode presented a rather intriguing Chevrolet Camaro Z-28 and Nissan GT-R duel with a straight line and track test.The straight line test was a little bit too "American" for this matchup - instead of a rolling start race, Motortrend chose the typical state-side standing quarter mile test, which, as expected, didn't bring any surprises and confirmed once again thatNissan GT-R is indeed a sub 3 second 0-60 car.The track test was what I was hoping for and it indeed was delivered. All the criteria for a representative comparison were met, including dry conditions and professional racing driver - none other than the Motortrend's regular Rany Pobst.I expected the Camaro to get very close to GT-R, since it does have very trick suspension, tyres and brakes.I did not, however, predict that the muscle car would actually beat GT-R by 0.28 seconds.It was interesting that for Randy Pobst the biggest highlight of the Camaro were the Pirelli Trofeo R tyres, which, according to him, gripped almost as hard as slicks.

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: New Camaro Z-28
MessaggioInviato: ven mag 16, 2014 4:59 pm 
Nurburgring lover

Iscritto il: gio mag 21, 2009 4:14 pm
Messaggi: 3389
Le birelli trofeo R.
ma non ci sono della misura per la GTR LE Birelli?

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: New Camaro Z-28
MessaggioInviato: ven mag 16, 2014 6:00 pm 
Brevetto di volo
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Iscritto il: gio feb 06, 2014 2:19 pm
Messaggi: 433
Località: milano
Simo ha scritto:
Le birelli trofeo R.
ma non ci sono della misura per la GTR LE Birelli?

Ghe ne minga :G :G

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